Cat ready to pee, in the bathroom

How Long Can Cats Go Without Peeing?

Have you ever wondered how long your cat could go without urinating? If you’re curious, there’s likely a concerning reason. Knowing the answer could help you monitor your pet’s health and her daily routine. Additionally, it could potentially alert you to any abnormalities or health concerns in a timely manner.


On average, a healthy cat will urinate around two to four times per day, depending on their size, hydration level, and diet. However, each cat is different, and factors such as age, breed, and overall health can impact their urinary frequency. Even so, it’s rare for a cat to go more than 24 hours without urinating, as this could be an indicator of a health problem or discomfort.

What to Do If Your Cat Hasn’t Used the Litter Box in Over a Day

If you notice your cat hasn’t used the litter box in over a day, it’s important to observe them closely for signs of distress, pain, or sickness. Common symptoms of urinary issues in cats include straining to urinate, blood in the urine, or frequent attempts to urinate with little to no success. If any of these signs are present, it’s necessary to consult with a veterinarian as soon as possible.

There are several potential causes of urinary problems in cats, such as urinary tract infections (UTIs), bladder stones, or even more severe conditions like feline lower urinary tract disease (FLUTD). A veterinarian will need to examine your cat and perform diagnostic tests to determine the root cause of the issue and recommend appropriate treatment.

To help prevent urinary issues in your cat, ensure they always have access to fresh water and encourage them to drink regularly. Some cats prefer drinking from a flowing source, so investing in a water fountain may encourage better hydration. Additionally, look for high-quality cat food options that support urinary health, and maintain a clean and comfortable litter box environment for your pet.

Potential Reasons Why Your Cat Isn’t Using the Litter Box

It’s important to keep in mind that some cats may not use the litter box due to stress or environmental factors. If your cat is not urinating in their litter box, but you suspect she may be going elsewhere in your home, try to locate the spot and address the underlying issue. This could involve providing additional litter boxes in different locations, reducing stressors in your cat’s environment, or adjusting their litter box setup.

Understanding your cat’s bathroom habits is an important aspect of being a responsible and caring pet owner. Regularly monitor their litter box usage, and if you notice any changes or concerns, consult with your veterinarian for guidance and support.


So, in answer to the question of how long cats can go without peeing, the ideal timeframe is no more than 24 hours. Anything beyond that could signify a health issue or concern and should warrant a visit to the veterinarian.

Be proactive in supporting your cat’s urinary health by providing fresh drinking water and a clean litter box, and keep a close eye on their daily habits to ensure they remain happy and healthy.

I Trained My Cat to Use My Household Toilet (Video)

"In ancient times cats were worshipped as gods; they have not forgotten this."
-- Terry Pratchett

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